Today we're taking a peek at fall beauty inspirations... In Hong Kong where summer can seem as though it lasts forever (as anyone who has gone into the month of October still unable to justify pulling on a pair of jeans), an easy way to update our look is to switch up our makeup look.

At Versace, the look was edgy and glamorous with heavy dark lids smouldering with black and blue shadow, offset with picture perfect matte skin and nude lips. Pressed powder is an essential for this look, though it might not have been a staple for the past few seasons. Hair was tough-girl-chic, and definitely not pretty... I seem to manage to achieve this look fairly easily after a yoga class without any styling aids at all! While this look is definitely one to leave on the catwalk, it does give inspiration for mixing textures - slick crowns contrasting with backcombed ponytails.

At Bottega Veneta, a softer look was shown, to complement a sexy, romantic collection. Again, we see perfect matte skin achieved with liquid foundation and pressed powder, and a sultry eye with a swoop of black pencil liner and brown and taupe shadows. The lips are wine-colored and imperfect - what Pat McGrath called, "broken glamor".

Hair was slicked back with gel after being backcombed to give some volume at the front, and then the back was teased into a messy roll at the base of the skull. A little like you have rolled around on your hair do for a while!

If sultry edgy chic, or romantic glamor looks aren't really your bag, perhaps you will draw inspiration from the eighties inspired looks seen at the Marc Jacobs show. Francois Nars was lured back to the catwalk do his first show in more than 10 years, and didn't disappoint with his creativity. We once again see porcelain skin, this time paired with black-rimmed eyes paired with powder shadows taken right up and onto the brow.

Unlike the pale faces at Versace and Bottega Veneta, at Marc Jacobs cheek contours were striking. Lips were either nude or shimmering, and hair was truly gravity defying.

So... seems that items to really stock up on for the coming season are a liquid foundation and pressed powder, hair spray and a comb to backcomb. It seems serious makeup is back!
All images via
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