We went to our first Hong Kong Rugby Sevens yesterday, not quite sure what to expect. When we first arrived we made our way to the East side, and spent a very sedate half an hour watching the rugby sipping our soft drinks, before deciding we had to experience the South Stands craziness we had heard so much about just once. We spent about half an hour queuing to get in underneath the stands, sadly missing Hong Kong's victory against Tonga... When we finally emerged out of the queue onto the stands, the scene was almost apocalyptic, and I quickly took a big slosh of beer on the back of my head. Yuk!
Once we had had a couple of cups of Pimms though we stopped noticing quite so much of the carnage and started enjoying ourselves, all the time making sure to keep one eye out for flying plastic pint glasses filled with beer (and other suspicious liquids) which were being lobbed down from the top of the stands (and back again from the bottom). There were also some really fun costumes to see, a lot of which deteriorated into various states of almost nakedness throughout the day. Smurfs, Tetris shapes, Japanese school girls and lots more. We stayed to see the final France match before making our way with all the crowds along into Causeway Bay to try to find a taxi. When we got home all our clothes went straight into the washing machine and we went straight to have hot showers! I can't quite face cleaning my shoes yet though so they're still sitting outside the front door.
Will have to see if there are any pictures we could actually post on here! The quite civilized image above is via South China Morning Post.
I really had a great time with the boys in March,you know it was my first time in Hong Kong.I went to the sevens with My now wife of six months and had a ball.WWW.hongkonsevenstickets.com were great they sorted our flights and Hotel and yea more important our tickets.It was a great weekend.